Google Chrome History reader

Get your data from your computer

If you have Google Chrome installed and it is used for web browsing, we can show you where to locate the history database file and interpret it for you

Using this free service, you can upload the cryptic data, analyze it and export it to Excel in a more readable format

Find your history file

Where to find your history file


We are looking to get to the following folder for a file called History

C:\Users\*your username*\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default

We can use the %appdata% shortcut to get to the AppData folder for the current user before navigating through the subfolders.

Press the Windows Key + R to bring up the Run dialog

Run dialog in Windows to AppData

Type %AppData% as above and press enter

A Windows Explorer folder will open. If it opens into a folder called Roaming, you will need to go up one level to the AppData root folder.

Now go to a Local folder.

There will be a lot of folders in here. Scroll down to a folder called Google, then Chrome and then User Data.

Scroll past the folders here until you get to the files and a file called History.

It should look like this:

Google Chrome History file

This History file is the file we want to upload. When you press the Choose File button below, navigate to this file use the steps above before pressing upload.

Upload your history file

Google records the times in UTC (a Coordinated Universal Time) format. Choose the correct time zone that you live in (or one closest to you) and we will convert the time.

Your Time zone:

We will convert the SQL Lite database with its Unix timestamps and Unicode titles into a human readable format, display statistics and allow you to download as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.